She may be one of the most high-profile people around the world, but it seems that most designers don't want Victoria Beckham wearing their clothes, all thanks to her super-skinny frame. And though supermodels and models are a skinny lot themselves, it seems that the former Spice Girl's super thin frame is not what the designers are looking for, as the moment Posh in a certain look - be it black Superfine skinny jeans, a Hermes bag, or an off-the-shoulder T-shirt worn as a dress - she kills it stone-dead. The result-- Posh Spice has now been branded a fashion liability. Another thing putting designers off, is the fact that Posh does not have the same "cool" image as Sienna Miller or Kate Moss, because she is too easily influenced by stylists. Proof of Posh's liability status was cemented after one PR person from a fashion giant at the New York fashion shows was caught scanning the British papers to check if Posh had been spotted in any of their clothes. "Just checking the dreaded VB hasn't managed to get hold of any of our clothes," the Daily Mail quoted her, as saying. The comment came in the wake of Posh made it a point of being pictured in as many as ten different outfits in less than a week.
盡管超級名;蛞话隳L貍個都瘦骨嶙峋,但前“辣妹”的超瘦骨架讓設計師們退避三舍。想想她的一個形象——無論是考究的黑色緊身牛仔褲,還是愛馬仕手袋,或是露肩T恤,到了她那兒全都毫無生機。 到最后,時尚辣妹竟成了“時尚缺陷”的代名詞。 維多利亞遭設計師冷落的另一個原因是,她不象名模西耶娜·米勒和凱特·摩斯那樣“一酷到底”,貝嫂太容易受設計師的影響而改變風格了。 辣妹在參加了紐約舉行的一次時裝走秀活動后,她的“時尚缺陷”地位得到了鞏固。據悉,某品牌時裝的一位公關在時裝走秀活動后,仔細查閱英國各大報紙,看辣妹是否被拍到穿了他們的時裝。
在媒體頻頻曝光辣妹在不到一周時間內換了十套衣服后,有關“時尚缺陷”的評論就紛至沓來。 |
Vocabulary: |
stone-dead: 毫無生氣的 |